In KING Royal, each player begins as a Level 1 KING, embarking on an exciting journey towards becoming a prestigious Level 30 KING, respected throughout the kingdom. This journey is defined by smart decision-making, managing resources wisely, and the pursuit of greatness.
At the start, every player begins their KING Royal adventure as a Level 1 KING, starting with a basic army of warriors, archers, and cavalry. Although it's a humble beginning, your potential for growth is limitless.
Progressing in KING Royal mainly involves earning experience points (XP) from both successful and unsuccessful attacks on different zones across the kingdom. Each victory not only gets you closer to the next level but also earns you more $ROYAL.
As you progress from Level 1 to Level 20, your focus is on accumulating XP, improving your skills, and refining your strategies. With each level, your KING becomes stronger, your army gets bigger, and your chances of winning battles increase. To advance, you'll need to invest $ROYAL.
At Level 20, to continue advancing, you'll now need both $KING and $ROYAL, shifting from relying solely on $ROYAL to using a combination of both currencies for leveling up.
Throughout your journey from Level 1 to Level 30, the decisions you make about upgrading your army, your attack strategies, and how you allocate resources define your unique path to greatness.
In KING Royal, the journey from a Level 1 KING to a Level 30 KING is an exciting adventure filled with challenges, choices, and conquests. It's a test of strategy, endurance, and resource management that will keep you engaged as you climb the ranks.
Prepare to lead your KINGs to victory.
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